online: 28 june 2008
modified: 9, 10, 11 june, 3 november 2008

9 june 2008 nework day 4

a connective moment

there was a long pause... today... while i tried to decide how or if this nework is to continue (to infinity?)...

...or is it too detached from softopia 3.0, or the digital diary, or the electric book, or the education of everyone, or the other contents of my archive including of course Design Methods and designing designing, technology changes, notes and plays, after Giraldus...

...and many shorter pieces or leaves of the tree of ideas in a forest in a city in the connective mind of all of us... is this confusion or is it flow?... answer came quite unexpectedly (from oracles and notes) which first implied that these pages of nework are not a whole but too various and too different to connect...

...but then, as i was about to give up trying to integrate both nework and the electric book, i realised that this simple format of
nework continuing from day 1 to infinity
is capable of accommodating everything in one (or several) 'connective moments' (in the manner of chapter 25, the point of surprised discovery in the internet and everyone)...

...all that remains for today, itself such a moment, is to copy out some of the explanatory notes (from i+e as i call it) which may be sufficient to establish here the nature of this new view of human time, not clockwork:

inserts from i+e:
...not so much a book as a definition of time ... absolutely any thought or memory or awareness that may occur as you read is, in combination with these words, the true time of your experience and a remaking of your world. Viva!
(page 19)

...each one now can be writing, and living, the (electric) book of her/his life as it happens, in what was once official public space but now is: for every thing and every person ... The invisible media and the imaginary rock, they are all of a piece, or a peace now. They are parts of our time, our connective moment, whatever we may think.
(page 21)

...being non-mechanical or irregular, and not tied to machines but to body rhythms... the pathway of escape from the 'tragic adaptation' of people to machines. Once machine time is refused as a basis of human action newtime is immediately present and each moment can became alive. Because we are 'in it' and 'lost to the world' ([the world of] time = money = identity)
(page 479)
[does this mean that 'nework' should now be changed to 'newtime', thinks jcj now... perhaps yes! (from here on)]

... in the manner of the digital diary, i'm sitting again in the valley of tall trees beneath which i noted (11 May 2008 [ADD LINK] ) the presence of a tiny worm-like caterpillar suspended on a thread from the oak above, and the presence other creatures suspended from it!...

...this sunny evening (air temperature about 26 C ) i listen to the sounds of a wood pigeon, an emergency vehicle, and the distant roar of a climbing jumbojet...

...but now i attend to the scene and the sounds and the indescribable whole of this place in this moment... the cool-seeming greens of the leaves and the dark tree-trunks in shadow, the streaks of sun on the short grass, the sting of an insect on ear, the sight of a non-stinger about 2mm long on my thumb, and a man in black t-shirt and bare legs and flipflops who is speaking as he walks by to someone who is not here in body but is here in ear and in voice together with what's transmitted of whatever other place and clocktime the other person inhabits in this singular and unrepeatable moment... (i suppose this is the new vocabulary of connectiveness, and the awareness that you and you and those who read this in other times and places are no longer detached observers but are parts, perhaps the greatest parts, of what is happening... but first to... to...

...i am distracted from those thoughts of you and you by the sight of a woman on another seat who was talking laughingly (as she swayed her legs invisibly to someone else by mobile phone)...

...but now she's gone... and i am alone with these thoughts of proximity and electronic presence as the flies catch the sunlight between the shadows of these trees... and now my upper spine enjoys relief from downward posture of writing as i stretch upwards and backwards and see the underside of the oak tree above...

...of course i could go on and on (now i have this legitemising theme) for this is the work of a lifetime... but something tells to stop writing and to listen, look, feel and even think without the handheld which inspires this flow of words that are not needed any more...

warning: the battery is getting low!

for comfortable line length set the window to about two-thirds of the screen width


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