online: 4 april 2011 modified: 10 march, 4 april 2011 10 march 2011 at the sun
from the highest point
...looking directly at the setting sun undazzled... through leafless trees and filtering atmosphere... beneath pink and blue clouds and vapour trails resembling a Paul Nash painting... the skies of world war 2...
...thank you for your wonderful email... i could do with some of that... i think i know what you mean...
...thank you very much...
(loudly spoken by someone in a cafe)
...nearly everyone is now adapted to computernet and handheld access devices with satellite radio links and semi-intelligent aids, apps, or prostheses... (connected and extending bodymind)
...which have unexpected popularities with once-deprived (or neglected) people as well as those who still suppose they are in control... and no one is... does all this relate to the novel (as it is still called) and the radio and tv serial fiction known as soap?... to me it seems the last artform of the old in mind still unable to accept new forms of words profuse and imaginative... for instance those of Gertrude Stein, Marcel Proust, James Joyce and perhaps also the shared consciousness of Henry Jameses characters...
...webcast has arrived... just see and hear its presence... in which we live as single entity... and we don't really know how it works... (or how we do, collectively)
...writing this in the overground underground rail tunnel below Hampstead .... is this the origin of the new?...
...a neo-modernist bank squashed in (or expanding) at Frognal between apartments and shops of 100 years ago... now internally modernised perhaps...
...(it's the connective mix that answers)... ...i've forgotten what was meant by that remark but i won't delete it...
...and now in an overcrowded bus someone gives me a seat... today i'm without supermarket bags but someone else has put two on the luggage platform and in some way that is excellent...
a l l t h i s i s o n e ...
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