online: 22 june 2013
modified: 21, 22 june 2013

21 june 2013 summer solstice

at the highest seat

...walking across heath not intending to write... only to exercise... i notice how little i notice when just walking... without pausing... and without giving attention to what happens at one spot...

...i was guided here (from the southern border of the heath) by what i took to be an unbelievably loud and sustained female singing voice... and when reached it (half-a-kilometre away) i found it was a man playing a saxaphone...

...since i sat down here a few minutes ago the moon has risen (from about 10 moon diameters above the horizon to about 15)...

...though there were dark blue clouds and rain about an hour ago... there is now only one small cloud (about three moons in apparent size) but while i wrote about it the cloud evaporated... along with several others... also evaporating...

and now after talking with some spanish-speaking people (who've come here for the view) several larger clouds have appeared... purple and blue-grey... while the moon is appearing and disappearing beyond some larger clouds of the same colours... that are moving quite swiftly from the west (thank goodness ... for i feel uneasy in the north easterly wind that has prevailed here for most of the year)...

...happy to be writing again... and in accord with things around... i decide not to stop the flow... and somehow to make time to complete and publish each piece of writing before i write the next... not thinking of consequences... only of the way in which each few words may influence those before and after... though the main influences are the surroundings and the thoughts that they provoke...

...before i wrote that a long trailing party of people old and young walked by... more engaged in talking than in looking...

...and while today's writing was in progress i forgot that this is the longest day and the shortest night... so why not stay longer?...

...but it's already getting darker so i go...

23:41 ...editing this while lookiing at videos of the druids (and hundreds of others) this evening at Stonehenge... apparently twenty thousand came to see the sunrise there this morning...


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