online: 12 december 2014
modified: 12 december 2014

9 december 2014 frozen blackberries in time

...eating blackberries gathered on the heath last summer... not waiting for defrost i decided to treat them as semi-natural iced fruit... after a first course of indian fish curry (also from the fridge)...

...i much like the thought that frozen fruit and water can seem so natural (yet as ingredients of ice cream can also seem so highly artificial)...

and realising that deep freezing (like any form of 'cooking') can be seen as direct alteration of time... from the many existing rhythms of any organism... and also from the monolithic narrowing structure of clocktime which we so often accept in order to speed up life and earn money: to me the deadliest of things artificial disguised as release from the primitive lives of pre-industrial people and animals and plants... etcetera...

...what is this?... am i stumbling again into 'newtime'... the rather baffling idea that arose while writing letter 25 of 'the internet and everyone'... and which re-emerged in daffodil 101... yes yes...

...newtime is now available to anyone... given the internet or iced fruit... or any product of time freely chosen not imposed... such as now... or eternity... stretching backwards or forewards to the beginning and end of all things... i feel yes as if stumbling by half-accidental half-purpose towards the end or finality of all this... and the blackberries were sweet...

later: these unintended words can be read as nonsense or as significant reality half-formed... yes i think so... aware that thoughts incomplete or quite shaky by current ideas of what is right or what is real these thoughts in their allusion could reveal or become another way... had we the courage to attempt it...

...just after reading on wikipedia of a debate in Nasa as to whether to spend a few billions on putting a few people on a comet or many more billions on putting more people on the moon... both of these being intended as stepping stones to mars or to beyond... and the marvel of such possibilities is still described in the deadly language of economic reason and dullness... i wonder if they'll take some frozen blackberries...


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