online: 27 february 2015
modified: 27 february 2015
11 february 2015 indoors today and thinking...
...of what we used to call systems or environment or other such
totalistic abstract things... yes things... not the unending processes
of which all things are themselves composed... and also as coloured
assumed to be more real than the changes that occur continuously in
everything and everyone...
(that is a sample of what i've been thinking all today while my computer
is being repaired (and i feel on holiday)... and while i re-read some of
the writings that surround me in this little library or archive of
books, papers, films and electronic writings... see also longlife
...from here i see beyond the grass and cherry trees a road that's busy
twice a day... with cars and trucks and buses and pedestrians as we call
ourselves when walking among those lethal vehicles in which we travel
and obtain supplies of products (and become commodities ourselves... as
paid or unpaid workers and consumers)...
but that's enough of criticism
where's the joy in all this?
(or give it up... all of us... as failed people of the life industrial?)
cheap webcams everywhere means that we might enjoy the worldwide
spectacle as i did in '96 while looking at the traffic from a window
high above a busy street... i called it 'life on earth'*... the
movements of people and vehicles anywhere in the world...
*in 'the internet and everyone', ellipsis, London 2000, pages
485 to 490,
(available from jcj @ publicwriting net by surface mail)
...young woman walks away in orange coat with black rucksack and long
fair hair and black trousers... the colours of everything seem much more
significant from here... they seem to count for more than who it is...
or why... or anything... the vehicles too (their colour is the first
thing i notice)...
...i always like the idea that colour is more fundamental than is
shape... less of a construction of mind... less dependent on who
...then i continue to look at the people, very small from here, but i
can just see the colours of their clothes... and of what they are
carrying... many carry something...
...a young man with black hair and brown boots and grey clothes is
carrying a huge plastic bag of something on his back... is it a suit...
or perhaps several hanging in a bag...'s the yellow taxis that i notice most... and the rhythm of their
movements... and red braking lights showing under the light gray morning
cloud... on the vehicles moving away...
...there's more of this in the book... it was filmed and written in 1996
at a
window in New York... perhaps anticipating the digital diary...
and now i'm not so sure...
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