online: 20 august 2015
modified: 19 august 2015
25 july 2015 a country walk in the city
...from a randomly selected seat... looking at evening sky... blue and
purple cloud above pale pink and grey cumuli... lit by weak sunlight...
surrounded by large bushy trees and mown fields... and a few people...
who look as if they live nearby of whom is flying a remote control model aircraft that keeps
appearing above the distant trees
...a musical bird sound... or is it someone imitating bird calls in the
manner of music... or of whistling...'s getting dark... so i walk back... on mown grass and through the
garden suburb... feeling at home here... as in other places... on the
earth... and even as if on the moon... which is high in the sky this
...'i'... 'the'... 'on'
...these words appear... spontaneously... just above the touchscreen
the software is trying to be helpful... it is programmed to guess the
next words... whereas i am trying to let the context decide*
*this reminds me of something i've been reading:
It is by lending his body to the world
that the artist changes the world into paintings.
from 'Eye and Mind', in Maurice Merleau-Ponty: basic writings, edited by
Thomas Baldwin, Routledge, London and New York, 2004, page 294.
...all these things are partly known... and partly not...
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