online: 27 april 2016
modified: 29 april 2016

27 april 2016 old and new shady spot on a sunny day... the aftergrowth of daffodils after flowers have decayed... and only stalks and leaves remain... in secret valley of picnics remembered...

...a jeep-like truck drives past carrying its driver and some well used spades and such... the implements of work...

...sounds of distant aircraft and of children's voices... little else... a bird behind me murmers... two people pass as independent walkers... the sun grows brighter as i look down across the valley... at many trees as not quite in leaf... though a large redwood is... (being evergreen?) name the things comprising new culture... that seemed (in early december) to be my work these days if such an aim is fit... not for purpose but for setting scenes of what may emerge as way of life... explored as made in half-unconscious acts...

and suddenly i'm surrounded by a small crowd of Jewish children speaking excitedly and jumping up and down as they wait for their adults to catch up... a model perhaps of how culture changes from one generation to another... the older one attempting to impose its own as stability... while the other tries to replace the old by a new dynamic... even within an old religion... or a science...


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