online: 13 june 2016
modified: 22, 23 may, 8 june 2016

22 may 2016 beauty of sports grounds

several cricket matches proceeding on extensive fields... (with plenty of space between each)

...though i disliked cricket as part of compulsory games... and though disliking this reservation of a vast monocultured lawn for a few of us... i cannot be blind to the beauty and coherence of sports grounds... and all such... (perhaps wonderful?)... changes to 'the culture'... (though i find ball games oppressive)...

...occasional raindrops confirm forecast of stormy weather... and now as a sudden wind arrives seemingly from nowhere... and a twig falls on my head... i get up to seek stiller air... or the road to the nearest bus stop...

...more practice of walking on four legs (with 2 walking poles)... not yet used to them... but extra propulsion (via arm muscles) gives a new sensation of speed and flowing movement...

...the way to reconcile these conflicting thoughts... is 'all at once' not 'one by one'...

so... given such thoughts... i feel obliged to attempt to realise them... in whatever form i can manage!...

thus even the most peripheral problems may suggest valid ways of 'improving the world'... not forgetting John Cage's somewhat wicked proviso 'you will only make matters worse' (on page 3 of A Year from Monday Marion Boyars, London 1968).


...despite the inherent difficulty of trying to describe the complexity of world problems in one or two paragraphs... i cannot defer any longer the attempt to seek *ways of so doing*...

** = i assume this recently changed use of paired asterisks could become shorthand for *if one says it: then do it*... (impossible as that may be without changing one's culture... in collaboration with others)... this note being one such attempt!

[this seemingly trivial alteration (of the meaning of a symbol) being one such culture change]


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