online: 5 march 2017
modified: 24 februry - 5 march 2017

24 february 2017 what is and what can be... what i call the secret valley there are already daffodils... in clusters beneath trees... all perfectly still after yesterday's high winds... (fast enough to provoke warnings of falling trees etc.)... and 'lamb's tails' hanging vertically from a so-far-leafless willow... and below them two waterbirds racing over a carpet of fallen leaves...

...i can feel cool dry air passing into my nose... but the warmer air i'm breathing out must be close to the temperature of blood... for i cannot feel it...

...walking past a children's playground... a boy and a girl are using some swings unconventionally: is rotating the seat so that the two ropes twist together... then untwist... giving spiral motion as the rider descends...

...and the other one moves the seat from side to side (instead of back and fore)... and then they move both seats together... and bang gently into each other...

i didn't wait to see what they did next... but i guess they invented further new movements... such as side to side without colliding... but in synchrony of identical movements...

my immediate reaction had been to imagine the ropes snapping if they were wound too far... or if the 'bang into each other' became dangerous...

...but i prefer to think of this more positively... as an example of imaginative play... possible for adults as well as children... treating what is as what can be... if we simply ignore the reasoning behind 'the status quo' and let our bodyminds explore new variations of the world we inherit...



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