online: 4 june 2017
modified: 11 may and 4 june 2017

11 may 2017 the old hockey field

...needing a rest i sat at this familiar spot... keeping still while a large and shiny crow approached to within 2 metres... and then it ran away and flew across the grass and up into the surrounding trees... now i see it in the distance among the longer tufted grass and yellow flowers...

...the air is still except for gentle gusts... each lasting only a few seconds...

...looking up from the touch screen i see a crow (perhaps the same one) gliding across the field at height of about 5 metres... while a noisy jetplane flies overhead at possibly 1000 feet... and an elegant light brown insect examines my pullover while flying a few millimetres from it... and while a minute red insect 1-2 mm across moves about 5 times its own length in a second (a lot faster than the jetplane!)...

... a kilometre further on i find a seat in memory of

Peter and Lilo

together with another resident crow walking as if on its own territory...

...two teenagers in athletics gear run silently across the clearing in which i am sitting... not having brought a handkerchief or a tissue i wipe my nose with an oak leaf...

then suddenly Hal Goldie appears again with several dogs and with a friend... he shows interest in this diary... reads some of it aloud in his clear Scottish voice... and asks me the address of the website...

at the tumulus (the site of my 80th birthday picnic)... i'm slightly shocked to see that the encircling blackberry bushes have been removed... and the broken railing mended (where celebrants of prehistoric rituals climbed over)... yes the burial mound is now more visible... but informal celebrations and blackberry picking are made difficult or impossible...

...walking now towards Parliament Hill i see two young men with fashionable hairstyles standing on their hands... and one is actually able to walk upside-down using his arms as legs... no one is watching them so i clap... and one replies with a thumbs-up signal... while 10 to 20 others continue to look at the view...


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