online: 9 june 2019
modified: 8 june 2019
21 april 2019 2 air
air . . . the air is one element we inhabit from the inside as it were .
. . we are less conscious of its presence because we are totally
enclosed in it . . . because it is so pervasive . . . the air is very
warm for the time of year as if summer has come already . . .
air is my own element astrologically . . . i am said to be an air person
much concerned with invisibles . . . such as air itself and electricity
and spirit and soul and abstract thought . . . some of these ideas have
nothing to do with air but are every where as air is . . .
i like to look at clouds and to infer the presence of air from its
movements . . . as well as the magic of electricity and of magnetism . .
. (in thunderstorms etc)
i remember the barometer measuring air pressure which hung on the wall
of the house where i lived as a child . . . and the many remarks about
the temperature, humidity and wind my father would make . . . and i
remember reading Goethes account of the weather in Germany of which he
was continuously conscious and made many remarks in his recorded
conversations . . . this shows his interest in North West German weather
and how it comes into being . . .
. . . driven by the wet and warm air from the Atlantic air stream from
the Caribbean (or Gulf Stream as it is usually called). . . which is
very similar to the conceptual model which we carry in our minds today
if we are interested in the weather . . .
. . . being brought up on the Atlantic coast i think i must have that
picture in my thoughts much of the time . . . and it no doubt accounts
for my liking for mildness and good conditions generally in the north
west corner of Europe (seen as a peninsula from Asian land mass) . . .
. . . the substance of air . . . being composed of nitrogen, oxygen,
hydrogen, CO2 etc is to me a constant prevailing thought
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