online: 9 june 2019
modified: 8 june 2019
22 april 2019 3 fire
i havent preconsidered this element . . . perhaps it is too much for me
or too dangerous . . . although i am presently eating gingerbread which
is (in a manner of being) stoking the fire of existence. . . eating or
heating by combustion in the stomach . . .
a very mild fire no doubt without flame but nevertheless dangerous . . .
an obscure beginning to the thoughts of the nature of fire . . .
. . . but i remember when i was a small boy my mother used to rely on me
to keep the open fires burning . . . giving me the task of clearing out
the grate or relighting it in the morning or later in the day . . . to
keep it burning . . . during which i learned to manipulate the air that
reached the fire . . . which means that you cannot have a fire without
oxygen . . .
. . . i pause for the moment to drink some water to keep myself going .
. .
the greatest earthly fire is the sun which one pictures as a star with
its planets . . . which plays the biggest part in life on earth in that
it keeps the whole process going by radiation into outer space . .. a
small part of which is stopped by heating the earth . . .
i pause for here i seem to be revealing ignorance more than knowledge
(such as of gravity waves) and not finding thoughts that inspire me very
much whereas the idea of fire is much broader even than the idea of sun
. . .
yes i used to enjoy my duties as fireman for a household of warm-blooded
people needing heat and enjoyed arranging the sticks and coals and
cinders and rolled-up newspaper to relight and maintain the fire which
would easily go out if one was not paying attention and replacing fuel
as it burns . . .
from domestic heating to cosmic heating existence as it burns as a star
or hydrogen explosion to encompass the idea of fire itself which include
warmth and comfort as well as cosmic instability and danger . . .
. . . i am going to stop here for a moment to await more interesting
thoughts if they occur . . . for instance atomic or nuclear destruction
. . .
. . . in the evening . . . now that i am free of domesticity. . . what
thoughts appear about the nature of fire and its circumstance?
one memory is of forest fires and seasonal burning of fields etc . . .
although it seems threathening and unstoppable . . . the seeds fallen
into the earth below survive the heat and proceed to turn into stalks,
leaves, grasses or trees . . . thoughts (i suppose of living away from
the equator in the northern hemisphere where there is more land
appropriate to creating the mild weather of northern climates. . . heat
being i believe a change of speed and movement of molecules and not a
substance in itself (which it was once thought to be) . . .
. . . having corrected these spoken/written thoughts of fire may i/we
speak and write some warmer thoughts together. . . in this elarging life
. . . online
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