online: 23 july 2019
modified: 10 july 2019

10 july 2019 aha

the grabbing dragon awakes . . . to reach for surroundings towards you . . . the basis of a story or a metamorphosis . . .

here it comes

go to sleep in order to see what is going on


this is ridiculous by rational standards . . . but the standards are gone . . . and so is much else for we are now enjoying what we call freedom while sharing it with others to the twilight . . . and while we enter the zone of freedom . . . constantly changing . . . so look out carefully for unexpected things which could become reality if and when we notice what is happening . . .

in preparing for this unexpected move I kept constantly in touch with everything I could see and hear . . . both metaphorically and as the right way to go . . . to re-enter dreamland on the way to goodness knows what . . . brrrr . . . a rude noise . . . brrrr . . . as well as beautiful . . . brrr . . . i slide away into the bedroom along with many good things as . . .

enough for the moment

see you soon!


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