online: 23 july 2019
modified: 14 july 2019

14 july 2019 a third morality

continuously aware now from the different morality prevailing in the hospital from the normal world . . . it is not a law of doing good but of realising oneself as several people or spirits which we remain throughout times and lives through many thousands of years . . .

that at least is the creative fiction behind humane life . . . considering that is what in general people do but not animals . . . we may think we act ethically towards animals but animals may not think they do so to us . . .

the difference between animal and people is like the difference between rational and mental . . . the mystery is spread from us to animals also, artificial or natural . . .

and that is enough i can say in the hospital . . . sitting in a chair where as i could otherwise be flat on my back or worse . . . eating chocolates . . . as well as imbibing medical drugs or normal food and air . . .

the mystery of animal, human or of artificial . . . when all these dualisms are to be resolved i suspect the results could be very surprising for living . . .


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