online: 15 october 2019
modified: 13 october 2019

13 october 2019 inside and outside the window

inside and outside . . . in particular, the trees in either place, the plants in my room and the trees outside . . . both planted to improve the situation in the room and above the lawn outside . . .

having spent a few minutes looking at the plants inside and outside my own room, i am thinking how excellent is the collective idea of planting trees to improve a place, both inside and outside it . . .

that is what we call landscape architecture and interior architecture . . . inside and outside are interesting ideas too, inside of what? one might ask . . . inside or outside a building or the indoor life and the outside life that goes on in these spaces . . . these two thoughts imply an improved way of living within buildings and outside them . . .

i know that plenty of architects use similar nomenclature which implies a better living in a way that is quite magical and yet difficult to maintain . . .

i feel quite encouraged by the way these thoughts have expanded to imply a larger and better way to do everything . . . and that is what architecture, industrial design, etc aim to do . . .

pausing to look around the room and through the window, i become aware how comfortable it is compared to the outside . . . such as to make writing and drawing and specialised speaking possible . . . as it is often too cold or too hot or too something else outside to carry on these everyday activities of industrial living . . .

i hope nevertheless that others will reconsider what they are doing as architects, industrial designers, and environmentalists as well . . . we can all take upon ourselves to become architects and designers and planners of the whole way of life we are now living . . . and plant trees, and other forms of life accordingly?


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