online: 10 july 2020
modified: 10 july 2020

8 july 2020 six parts of something

1. what is designing? . . . p 3
' . . . the imaginative jump from present facts to future possibilities.'
J.K. Page, 1966

2. traditional methods . . . p 15
' . . . every attainment is recognized to be imperfect, and every imperfection has value only as an incipient perfection which is itself an illusion.'
Michael Oakeshott, 1959

3. the need for new methods . . . p 27
' . . . reality is itself a combination of determinisms, and freedom consists in overcoming and transcending these determinisms.'
Jacques Ellul, 1964

4. the new methods reviewed . . . p 45
'Reason can dream what dreams cannot reason.'
Nicholas Snowden Willey, 1965

5. the design process disintegrated . . . p 61
'I remember a priest explaining the zig-zag arch to me: "Evil is like a rhinoceros. It always charges in straight lines. We break the line of the bridge so that evil cannot cross, but falls over the edge to drown in the deep water in the middle".'
From A portrait of Japan, Laurens van der Post, 1968

6. choosing strategies and methods . . . p 75
'Reason, or the ratio of all we have already known, is not the same as that it shall be when we know more.'
William Blake, 1788


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