online: 29 june 2003
modified: 26 june 2003

continued from parkbenchtv2

25 june 2003 something has happened

19:44 The grasses still blow in the wind. The sky is still blue. There are still people about though not easy to classify. One runs past me now, breathing quite loudly. A crow rises from the grass and the sun still shines as before the attempted revolution. A man who has been lying in the grass gets up and walks away. I don't know where I am. The man who was breathing quite loudly passes me again. Is time repeating itself? This is not a dream but something has happened. The breathing man appears again in the distance and runs past me again. Or is there another explanation? The field is empty but I can hear voices. The city is still there in the distance, encircling. Are we re-creating the universe, our shared perception of the world in the forest? These words are familiar but the right way is unknown... the mechanization of the world picture continues but each moment is alive.

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