digital diary

dedicated to Kay Moon


originally called digital diary dates

27 march to 1 april 01 digital diary begins, visiting prehistoric cave art

2 april 01 by a small lake

3 april 01 an oracle and after

5 april 01 thoughts in the night - and in a bus inside a train beneath the sea

(there are some entries still to be transferred from the handheld computer, particlarly those written in april)

7 april 01 what notes to write here, in public?

9 april 01 visiting cave art by internet

11 april 01 all things are equally important

23 april 01 is christianity divisive?

7 may 01 dreaming of 'refusive algorithms', experience and science as mental

12 may 01 the future of ergonomics, only in an art school, the cruw and the spamaowhawk

14 may 01 thoughts and sights while walking

15 may 01 summer rain and thunder, pity for vegetables

16 may 01 a rabbit and a woodpecker, the tiniest experiences can be read by people anywhere

23 may 01 three caws from a crow, how to organise my days, waiting for a fiction

25 and 26 may 01 S T Coleridge's essays on the principles of method

27 may 01 unable to integrate (despite the example of S T Coleridge)

29 may 01 a chapter that shocked me, writing out of doors

31 may 01 in the thoughts of each one of us

2 june 01 'in the light of new media'

3 june 01 a connective manifesto

11 june 01 tree-worship, public execution, new morality

13 june 01 winds, grasses, and the fictional nature of everything

16 june 01 'an electrically connected species'

18 june 01 Is there someone here with me?

22 june 01 peace of mind...

25 june 01 a novel about hundreds of people?

27 june 01 my new direction, or detachment

29 june 01 a tall and gentle man

daffodil three issued

1 july 01 it's as if I'd been invited to Italy

2 july 01 the wind is confused

3 july 01 one thing at a time

4 july 01 the anniversary of my resignation

5 july 01 the city is in a grey haze (but I'm not)...

10 july 01 between the railway and the sky

15 july 01 the old and the new

16 july 01 within new limits

17 july 01 education for modern life

21 july 01 heaven earth and green parrot

22 july 01 good examples

23 july 01 kinetic art

25 july 01 zero

27 july 01 a wider existence?

28 july 01 life as it is

29 july 01 waiting for everyone (version 2)

5 aug 01 'rectify the names'

6 aug 01 these moments

9 aug 01 'what religions are good for'

11 aug 01 in the light of progress

14 aug 01 new paragraph

15 aug 01 despecialisation

16 aug 01 living connectively

17 aug 01 a city forest

18 aug 01 the future of nature

19 aug 01 to live good lives BANG!

20 aug 01 peace after disturbance

21 aug 01 oak tree as camera(*pictures*)

28 aug 01 how to connect?

30 aug 01 adjusting the times

daffodil four issued

7 sept 01 the myth of obedience

11 sept 01 shocking news - and difficulty writing

12 sept 01 disconnection and sadness

15 sept 01 in peace and violence

18 sept 01 reactions to the attack

20 sept 01 love of aeroplanes

23 sept 01 perceptions of things mythical

24 sept 01 the stabilities of nature

25 sept 01 mist and clarity

28 sept 01 between birth and death

1 oct 01 sheltering from a storm

4 oct 01 happy lives

5 oct 01 the force

7 oct 01 what is the law?

11 oct 01 world languages / ieithoedd y byd

12 oct 01 static utopias

15 oct 01 the re-education of everyone

16 oct 01 everyone is

18 oct 01 yes the world is so good

23 oct 01 order and conflict or something better than either?

25 oct 01 this reappraisal of modern living

28 oct 01 'working on the lines': the catch-22 of industrial life and evolution

29 oct 01 what do I think of the war?

4 nov 01 the purpose of human life?

daffodil five issued

10 nov 01 Ken Kesey has died

14 nov 01 aspirations

21 nov 01 a conference on the prevention of terrorism

22 nov 01 thanksgiving for Americans

27 nov 01 handwritten notes, copied and ammended later

29 nov 01 artificial intelligence

4 dec 01 the news

7 dec 01 a moment for thought

11 dec 01 myths and realities

17 dec 01 outofcontrol

20 dec 01 daily life
[symposium 19 dec 02]

23 dec 01 Sunday morning

30/31 dec 01 yes it's possible to resume smiling...

to allow subsequent entries to appear automatically in date order I have changed the date code:

e.g. for 9th January 2002 the url is:

so as not to disturb bookmarks and favourites I am leaving the urls of previous entries as they are - only those after 2001 are changed.

1 jan 02 we are nature as we are its artists, its extensions

2 jan 02 the real

9 jan 02 the eternal return

daffodil six issued

19 jan 02 designing and film-making

24 jan 02 Maya Deren's theory of film-making and nature

29 jan 02 in the twenty-first century

30 jan 02 before a concert and beneath it

5 feb 02 religious imagination

8 feb 02 is inhumanity natural?

13 feb 02 the glamour of being human

17 feb 02 writing/reading as purpose

18 feb 02 a basis for living?

21 feb 02 humanity!

26 feb 02 the weakness of customs

27 feb 02 thoughts about stories

28 feb 02 how the mind works

daffodil seven issued

3-7 mar 02 'education through art'

6 mar 02 the end of human life

19 mar 02 more real than we know

22 mar 02 pictures of our world

24 mar 02 life, death and all risks

27 mar 02 among trees and imperfections

3 april 02 'Dead is our earth'

7 april 02 craft and culture

11 april 02 a collaborative lecture

12 april 02 a moment of satisfaction

17 april 02 in my familiar world

19 april 02 no one knows why we are here

22 april 02 interludes

23 april 02 the swan and the goose

24 april 02 a summer evening in spring

27 april 02 nature and after

daffodil eight issued

4 may 02 talking

7 may 02 a modern performance

15 may 02 non-dualism

17 may 02 connective steps

19 may 02 are we changing the universe?

23 may 02 the true theory?

27 may 02 a city of nomads

28 may 02 disturbed

30 may 02 after rain

2 june 02 sunday afternoon

3 june 02 what is unnatural?

4 june 02 among machines and beyond

5 june 02 changing habits

7 june 02 life as it is, or as it could be

8 june 02 water birds, trees, and poetry

10 june 02 to be part of the world

11 june 02 a unity so complete and an apparition so real

15 june 02 growth and certainty

18 june 02 a summer evening

24 june 02 a midsummer night

26 june 02 three cheers for humanity, and everything

27 june 02 to be recreated each day?

6 july 02 good memories

10 july 02 eating to live

13 july 02 against stiffness (or for it?)

14 july 02 what is designing?

18 july 02 Alan Sondheim's internet writing

20 july 02 on theory

23 july 02 men as climbing animals

30 july 02 the architecture of the forest

31 july 02 the ecology of mind

2 aug 02 an attainable utopia

7 aug 02 infinity and such

10 aug 02 yes yes we are changing

12 aug 02 keeping still

13 aug 02 talkaoke: or how to broadcast decentrally

15 aug 02 before people and beyond

21 aug 02 revisiting the world: a funfair

22 aug 02 gathering blackberries

28 aug 02 here and now

1 sept 02 of dreams and of water birds

3 sept 02 imaginings and observations

6 sept 02 despecialising

10 sept 02 competition and collaboration

11 sept 02 in a landscape garden

14 sept 02 astonishment

24 sept 02 everything changes

25 sept 02 this is a city

26 sept 02 how to live

28 sept 02 a political walk

daffodil eleven issued

3 oct 02 from the world of everyone
[radio 7 november 2002]

9 oct 02 a changed world

11 oct 02 the oneness of things

18 oct 02 non-dualism (2)

22 oct 02 dysgu Cymraeg (learning Welsh)

25 oct 02 the predicament of the gods
[radio 7 november 2002]

31 oct 02 of equal significance
[radio 7 november 2002]

daffodil twelve issued

1 nov 02 a fallen tree
[radio 15 november 2002]

9 nov 02 new manners

10 nov 02 a new beginning of the world

13 nov 02 a second look at reality
[radio 15 november 2002]

16 nov 02 good forms
[radio 22 november 2002]

18 nov 02 (millions at work)
[radio 22 november 2002]

20 nov 02 what's wrong with newspapers?
[radio 22 november 2002]

27 nov 02 life is not a distraction
[radio 29 november 2002]

daffodil thirteen issued

1 dec 02 the divine and the earthly

10 dec 02 between the old and the new
[radio 13 november 2002]

14 dec 02 everyone is related

17 dec 02 at a school concert

24 dec 02 industrial design history trip

5 jan 03 on the 73 bus

daffodil fourteen issued

9 jan 03 a walk in the snow

17 jan 03 the art of life

22 jan 03 a duck bathing

23 jan 03 a friendly and lively spirit

daffodil fifteen issued

7 feb 03 the organisation of nature

12 feb 03 this is paradise

15 feb 03 against the war

19 feb 03 moments of life

20 feb 03 a brief spring

23 feb 03 the whole of us

daffodil sixteen issued

15 march 03 engineering as art

22 march 03 a second demonstration against the war

24 march 03 unexpected to me

25 march 03 disturbance and harmony

28 march 03 what is communication?

29 march 03 the states of the world

30 march 03 a kind of perfection

3 april 03 sitting still

daffodil seventeen issued

5 april 03 non-humans and ourselves

7 april 03 sun and wind and visibility

14 april 03 a dream of someone falling

15 april 03 why humanism?

16 april 03 at the edge of reality

17 april 03 the unimpeded mind

23 april 03 war and peace are simultaneous

29 april 03 what can I say of my own heart?

daffodil eighteen issued

4 may 03 control, passivity and self-organisation

6 may 03 as heavenly a place

7 may 03 this is not work

18 may 03 a single process

23 may 03 the electric book part 2: tragedy averted

24 may 03 change in all its forms

26 may 03 mechanically repetitive

28 may 03 a summer's day in May

30 may 03 life and death

31 may 03 belief and reality

daffodil nineteen issued

10 june 03 what one knows well

11 june 03 connective moments

12 june 03 a parkbench tv network

17 june 03 ignorance and wonder

20 june 03 changing perceptions

23 june 03 coherence

28 june 03 spontaneous action

29 june 03 life as we know it

30 june 03 a tree is cut down

1 july 03 the world as it is

daffodil twenty issued

8 july 03 outside the zerobox

11 july 03 giving and receiving

12 july 03 not timely

18 july 03 the future of everyone

21 july 03 no news

27 july 03 multi-ethnic radio

30 july 03 what makes a difference?

daffodil twenty-one issued

4 august 03 in the distance

5 august 03 literature is unnecessary

11 august 03 fragments of mind

16 august 03 what is thinking?

23 august 03 on the heath again

29 august 03 breathing freely

30 august 03 social changes

4 september 03 last days of summer

5 september 03 good examples

daffodil twenty-two issued

12 september 03 inside the picture

24 september 03 elements of life

5 october 03 human actions

8 october 03 glad I came out today

daffodil twenty-three issued

10 october 03 complaining about the system

11 october 03 the names we give

14 october 03 the chain saw and the dummy

16 october 03 the purpose of music

18 october 03 country life

19 october 03 visiting a waterfall

20 october 03 returning to the city

21 october 03 hobgoblin, elf and celt

24 october 03 reading a newspaper

27 october 03 messages

4 november 03 the feasibility of the new

daffodil twenty-four issued

9 november 03 the new in the old

12 november 03 tragedy, ancient and modern

14 november 03 first winter walk

17 november 03 in the moment

30 november 03 prosperity and illusion

daffodil twenty-five issued

05 december 03 they came to a city

9 december 03 a noh play imagined

15 december 03 invigorating weather

16 december 03 dataclouds in reality

17 december 03 the extended human

18 december 03 before Christmas

20 december 03 seeds of the future

21 december 03 the survival of the unfittest

22 december 03 seasonal break - no postings until january 7th

9 january 04 extended humanity

daffodil twenty-six issued

14 january 04 in a public space

15 january 04 right means

18 january 04 art and life

24 january 04 saturday afternoon

27 january 04 that'z it!

31 january 04 self-storage

1 february 04 meditation in a public toilet

1 february 04 (second entry today) maritime weather

2 february 04 open letter to the BBC >

4 february 04 the design of the future

7 february 04 a sunny winter day

daffodil twenty-seven issued

12 february 04 serenity

18 february 04 a succession of events

23 february 04 nesh

25 february 04 not equal but laughing

2 march 04 life has restarted

daffodil twenty-eight issued

13 march 04 keeping warm

15 march 04 beyond intention

25 march 04 news of the world

29 march 04 these few things i noted down

2 april 04 indoors to out

daffodil twenty-nine issued

4 april 04 the highest heaven

9 april 04 unifications

14 april 04 an interview observed

15 april 04 up in a tree

22 april 04 thought and reality

23 april 04 visible/invisible

25 april 04 an interactive exhibition

28 april 04 changes in the culture

1 may 04 expanding the European Union

4 may 04 early summer

daffodil thirty issued

7 may 04 the art of nature

10 may 04 only for a few seconds

13 may 04 restart

14 may 04 thinking of everything (without words?)

16 may 04 to organise

17 may 04 life as it should be

18 may 04 meandering towards restart

19 may 04 anti-gravity

21 may 04 new culture

23 may 04 skill

25 may 04 the Hollywood utopia

26 may 04 experience of the new

28 may 04 death and stillness

31 may 04 what's wrong with tv?

daffodil thirty-one issued

5 jun 04 what is real?

7 jun 04 a summer evening

8 jun 04 sorry for all of us>

10 jun 04 a walk (directed by chance)

13 jun 04 parts of the universe

14 jun 04 fact and fiction

15 jun 04 strange moments

21 jun 04 longest day, shortest night

24 jun 04 weather and politics

26 jun 04 this half-contrived wilderness

27 jun 04 a rock festival

29 jun 04 body and soul

30 jun 04 apparent nothingness

1 july 04 particles of something

3 july 04 is there a theory of all this?

daffodil thirty-two issued

4 july 04 everything changes

5 july 04 directed by chance

6 july 04 an ancient mariner (of new technology)

8 july 04 personal tuition

19 july 04 humanistic excess

27 july 04 the city

daffodil thirty-three issued

6 august 04 possession

10 august 04 daffodils, fish, apes, people

12 august 04 conscious attention

14 august 04 this evening

15 august 04 civilisation

22 august 04 an achieved perfection

26 august 04 good designing

28 august 04 natural and artificial

29 august 04 improving the world

1 september 04 fragmentary perceptions

2 september 04 assisted dying

3 september 04 respecting the nervous system

daffodil thirty-four issued

9 september 04 in a forest

11 september 04 what is life?t

19 september 04 thought as the mother of things

4 october 04 different people

5 october 04 turning points

daffodil thirty-five issued

14 october 04 the diversity we are born to

15 october 04 indoors and out

16 october 04 matter in the wrong place

17 october 04 not quite comprehensive enough

21 october 04 what moves and what is still

30 october 04 to the future unknown

daffodil thirty-six issued

3 november 04 realistic and abstract sculptures

4 november 04 whatever we thnink

9 november 04 on a balcony

14 november 04 imagination and reality

23 november 04 thinking of art and of everything

25 november 04 the collective mind

daffodil thirty-seven issued

12 december 04 the first heave

13 december 04 afterlife as part of the present

25 december 04 trust the world

27 december 04 the human age

28 december 04 the earthquake wave disaster

31 december 04 our postnatural presence

1 january 2005 readings for the new year

daffodil thirty-eight issued

09 january 2005 within the body breathing

12 january 2005 life and death as related

14 january 2005 the unbounded whole

19 january 2005 thinking out of doors

26 january 2005 this is the world among other things

1 february 2005 a winter evening, after a walk

daffodil thirty-nine issued

7 february 2005 the digital diary observed

8 february 2005 continuity and difference

21 february 2005 spring and all

25 february 2005 play-acting as living

27 february 2005 peace on earth

1 march 2005 the wearable phone

daffodil forty issued

3 march 2005 heat, and its absence

10 march 2005 if that is what it is

14 march 2005 end of winter, Roman antecedents

16 march 2005 never ending conflicts

17 march 2005 signs of spring

19 march 2005 the politics of space

23 march 2005 as still as a picture

24 march 2005 aerial surprises

25 march 2005 with a book, by a fountain, in a city

29 march 2005 a detached world

1 april 2005 places to live and to enjoy

2 april 2005 searching by chance

3 april 2005 this is utopia

5 april 2005 ordinary perceptions

daffodil forty-one issued

11 april 2005 perfect, without purpose

13 april 2005 old/new and new/old

18 april 2005 fragments

22 april 2005 the end of the twentieth century

24 april 2005 where to live

26 april 2005 the end of an era?

30 april 2005 can art change society?

1 may 2005 at home

2 may 2005 looking west

daffodil forty-two issued

10 may 2005 pleasant surprises in hospital

14 may 2005 after hospital

18 may 2005 can we change our perceptions?

19 may 2005 walking again

21 may 2005 out of the nest

22 may 2005 Kant's method

23 may 2005 in the city forest

24 may 2005 anti-clockwise

25 may 2005 actuality

27 may 2005 not what it seems

29 may 2005 as a theory confirmed

30 may 2005 what shall i do?

daffodil forty-three issued

6 june 2005 unexpected

10 june 2005 dusk

12 june 2005 not a table and chair

13 june 2005 evening light

14 june 2005 unobtrusive generosity

16 june 2005 panorama

17 june 2005 at the end of day

18 june 2005 warm weather

19 june 2005 on being warm, numerous and tidy

26 june 2005 creative disobedience

30 june 2005 heron and hierarchy

06 july 2005 lively people

daffodil forty-four issued

11 july 2005 content to be here

7 to 14 july 2005 global war

16 july 2005 benign explosions

17 july 2005 re-orientation

18 july 2005 the life of the world!

19 july 2005 the pattern of a day

20 july 2005 early afternoon

28 july 2005 in the present

30 july 2005 nice evening

31 july 2005 to improve and to enjoy

2 august 2005 our collective presence

daffodil forty-five issued

6 august 2005 Hiroshima

10 august 2005 temporary architecture

12 august 2005 an unconscious softopia

13 august 2005 parts of the process

16 august 2005 a theory of this

17 august 2005 ode to the moon

18 august 2005 writing and reading to music

23 august 2005 in my element

24 august 2005 a dark evening in August

28 august 2005 beyond materialism

29 august 2005 philosophical poem

1 september 2005 a change of direction

daffodil forty-six issued

6 september 2005 connected moments

7 september 2005 realityandliterature

8 september 2005 audible culture

8 september 2005 beside water, heaven

20 september 2005 Walter Carrington

26 september 2005 first walk from the north west

29 september 2005 second walk from the north west

2 october 2005 design methods reviving

daffodil forty-seven issued

8 october 2005 a universal constant

10 october 2005 from unknown to known

16 october 2005 DIY as industrialised craftwork

19 october 2005 returned goods

21 october 2005 special occasions

29 october 2005 changing likes and dislikes

31 october 2005 online again

daffodil forty-eight issued

4 november 2005 local joys and global problems

5 november 2005 what is thoughts? how to speak poetry?

9 november 2005 order, order

21 november 2005 ordinary things

22 november 2005 the folly of counting

daffodil forty-nine issued

29 november 2005 a cold day on the heath

4 december 2005 a coincidence

13 december 2005 the first day of winter

19 december 2005 our shared existence

21 december 2005 rulers of China

23 december 2005 while walking

30 december 2005 like a snowfall

1 january 2006 nothing happened

2 january 2006 all this is our culture

3 january 2006 the architecture of movement

4 january 2006 from a garden

7 january 2006 civilization and unhappiness

11 january 2006 a kind of perfection

12 january 2006 intrpretations>

15 january 2006 forests, gardens and city walls

18 january 2006 a new intention

daffodil fifty issued

20 january 2006 elements of culture

24 january 2006 dark blue and other realities

26 january 2006 looking back

28 january 2006 the wish to control

30 january 2006 reality and literature

31 january 2006 concocted memories

5 february 2006 apparent strangeness

8 february 2006 just sitting

9 february 2006 the world is a unity

daffodil fifty-one issued

10 february 2006 an unusual church

14 february 2006 such moments

18 february 2006 thoughtful design

25 february 2006 architecture: cave or bower

daffodil fifty-two issued

28 february 2006 cold and sunny and dry

4 march 2006 the attraction of art

9 march 2006 lifelong acquaintance

15 march 2006 public intimacy

21 march 2006 fatigue and recognition

30 march 2006 winds of change

1 april 2006 expanded thoughts

daffodil fifty-three issued

6 april 2006 to reconstruct the world

14 april 2006 in the ordinary, the whole

16 april 2006 products of mind

17 april 2006 parts of a picture

19 april 2006 a hand-sized brick

21 april 2006 people at play

24 april 2006 a summery evening

25 april 2006 surprises

27 april 2006 these moments

1 may 2006 cityforest retreat

4 may 2006 interlude<

5 may 2006 the facts of life

daffodil fifty-four issued

9 may 2006 a designers' paradise

11 may 2006 above the earth and on it

12 may 2006 tastelessness, compromise and glory

13 may 2006 global problem language

18 may 2006 the air on these islands

20 may 2006 magenta

21 may 2006 Ellsworth Kelly

25 may 2006 beyond description

26 may 2006 in the forest and beyond

31 may 2006 within constructed order

3 june 2006 a walk of walks

4 june 2006 another random walk

5 june 2006 looking west

daffodil fifty-five issued

7 june 2006 life is robust

8 june 2006 purposelessness

9 june 2006 the whole is a fragment

1o june 2006 spontaneous fiction

11 june 2006 culture and nature

12 june 2006 mind, weather and technology<

16 june 2006 episodes in the story of everyone

18 june 2006 the ordinary and the extreme are one

19 june 2006 birds, rabbits, new direction

27 june 2006 in the thick of existence

30 june 2006 a summer evening in history

3 july 2006 Jung and Freud, religion and sexuality

4 july 2006 heat stress, new direction

daffodil fifty-six issued

6 july 2006 late evening

9 july 2006 things are not what they seem

15 july 2006 how crazy is culture

18 july 2006 rabbits, stillness, duckweed, insect, people

19 july 2006 we are self/other

22 july 2006 reductionism, ritual, looking upwards<

25 july 2006 in the shade

daffodil fifty-seven issued

5 august 2006 in accord

7 august 2006 a friendly cosmic feeling

18 august 2006 evolution and existence

27 august 2006 music loud / slugs silent

3 september 2006 late summer

daffodil fifty-eight issued

6 september 2006 in utopia

8 september 2006 something happened

10 september 2006 fright comes of ignorance

13 september 2006 the social machine

19 september 2006 hill to hill

23 september 2006 the purpose of life

24 september 2006 the first moments of night

26 september 2006 from city to forest

daffodil fifty-nine issued

7 october 2006 the highest point

12 october 2006 a bodily art

17 october 2006 integrity

26 octobrr 2006 colder weather

27 october 2006 this sense of order

30 october 2006 the whole of our existence

daffodil sixty issued

3 november 2006 two worlds

12 november 2006 a better way of living

14 november 2006 of unstated significance

17 november 2006 aspects of Britain

18 november 2006 news of life on earth

21 november 2006 education as artifice<

27 november 2006 changes of mind

28 november 2006 movements of animals and people

daffodil sixty-one issued

7 december 2006 after a storm

12 december 2006 a semi-wilderness

14 december 2006 the imginal world

17 december 2006 signs of the times

25 december 2006 a walk in (very mild) winter

26 december 2006 walking after dreaming

31 december 2006 an ancient vegetable

daffodil sixty-two issued

10 january 2007 the poetry of existence

12 january 2007 city life

19 january 2007 the beginning of eternity

20 january 2007 the works of Victor Grippo

21 january 2007 fallen trees

24 january 2007 the alchemy of thought and object

28 january 2007 miniature landscapes ...and after literature

31 january 2007 a civilisation, now gone

2 february 2007 as the world is imagined

daffodil sixty-three issued

14 february 2007 signs of spring, 2007

23 february 2007 a civil parliamant

1 march 2007 in abstract words

daffodil sixty-four issued

3 march 2007 life goes on

13 march 2007 what we pay for with our lives

14 march 2007 the industrial comedy

16 march 2007 people and dogs

21 march 2007 my outdoor self

23 march 2007 school or prison

26 march 2007 a new path

28 march 2007 civilisation

31 march 2007 remembering

daffodil sixty-five issued

5 april 2007 relative safety

9 april 2007 the process of thinking

10 april 2007 a greater reality

12 april 2007 choreography without meaning

15 april 2007 as if it were everything

17 april 2007 first evening picnic

22 april 2007 earth day

25 april 2007 waiting for something to happen

27 april 2007 the hunger of people and wild creatures

30 april 2007 to change the culture

daffodil sixty-six issued

5 may 2007 after Ruskin

13 may 2007 connective vision

19 may 2007 physical beliefs

23 may 2007 across sloping lawns

26 may 2007 self-portrait of a user

31 may 2007 miraculous, as always

daffodil sixty-seven issued

2 june 2007 street culture

3 june 2007 a village, a bird, and an academic convention

4 june 2007 folktales and other horrors

12 june 2007 the freedom to destroy

16 june 2007 connectiveness

20 june 2007 forms of luxury

25 june 2007 wildlife and human

daffodil sixty-eight issued

2 july 2007 anticipating everything

7 july 2007 criticism of life

12 july 2007 to re-attune our minds

14 july 2007 continuity

15 july 2007 stillness and wetness and growth

17 july 2007 sights of order

18 july 2007 sources of energy

26 july 2007 care for small things

30 july 2007 from memory

daffodil sixty-nine issued

6 august 2007 a comversation with twins, and their aunt

9 august 2007 coincidences

11 august 2007 in whatever language, or posture

18 august 2007 the curve of the earth, and the new

20 august 2007 so serious an action

26 august 2007 inhabiting the universe<

27 august 2007 most of what we see is artificial

31 august 2007 geographic comtinuity, and difference

daffodil seventy issued

2 september 2007 small but significant

12 september 2007 unpredictable sound

29 september 2007 overlapping worlds

30 september 2007 as perfect as it can be

daffodil seventy-one issued

11 october 2007 out of doors

13 october 2007 a portrait of the culture

23 october 2007 to change the world, it is

30 october 2007 history of the world

daffodil seventy-two issued

6 november 2007 autoreality

10 november 2007 a connective art

11 november 2007 an invented ritual

25 november 2007 yoga and autonomy

future diary

26 sept 2894 is this the future of design?

9 oct 2984 a thousand years later

19-21 oct 2984 from one age to another

30 oct 2984 the ideal is the real

25 dec 2984 to anarkia