online: 19 november 2006
modified: 19, 20 november 2006

18 november 2006 news of life on earth

about 16:00... meadow near to ponds 1 to 3: clear sky, no wind, a single grey cloud, long and smooth... the tall buildings of the city are lit by low winter sun... the air is still and near to freezing... a perfect view... on a seat that is too wet to sit on there is a damp newspaper called Positive News, Number 45, Summer 2006 and i put it in my bag*...

...i walk across the meadow in the fading light... signs of the transparency of winter, a few trees are already leafless and stand silhouetted against the clear sky... the ponds are almost completely still (except for a slight ripple from the movement of water birds)...

...i decide to walk to Parliament Hill before darkness and while walking there i am amazed to see a kite flying with electric lights on its wings (it is shaped like a hang glider)... when i get closer i see that it is being flown by a man i spoke to last week (he has studied architecture, has learnt to pilot aircraft, and brings a miniature windsock to show the direction and strength of the wind)... he tells me that he invented the illuminated kite so that he can continue kite flying after work during the months when it gets dark early... he says that he invents things whenever he meets obstacles... his email name is Son Of The Winds... he is an irrepressible optimist, but practical...

...i look now at the city... it looks wonderful under the clear sky, a (illegible words) of lights spreading over many miles in all directions and surrounding the heath...

...on my way to the heath i sat next to a man of about 70 who told me that he would not like to be young now... he pointed to 'all this' (the people waiting for a bus)... then he told me of his early life as a conscripted soldier and we shared memories of that... he said he did not know how to get to the heath so i showed him the way...

... all these words and little incidents... typical elements, i imagine, of life on earth...

*on reading Positive News i see that, though it limits itself to green issues, it is also a genuine attempt to break the convention that newspapers print bad news, not good. e.g. a chance-selected news item: 'Last year Worthen school had the idea of building an almost completely environmentally friendly eco-lab...' Positive News was started in 1993 by an ex-actor, Shauna Crockett-Burrows, who is also its editor. See

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