Oh the air feels so fresh in my nostrils and so cold on my writing hand (the hand holding the computer is gloved).
And the scene by this pond!: 'Celtic twilight', so evocative of the West - and spring sunlight, reflected so brightly by the rippling water... This is a moment of moments.
Most of the day I've been fighting fatigue but here this evening I'm in paradise again. And alive to it.
As I walked across that picnic place of thirty years ago I came across mole hills where I'd not seen them before. How do moles travel to a new colony - over the ground or under? (their colonies are a long distance apart)... I am surprised that I've never seen a mole in the act of building a mole hill.
Parliament Hill - I walked up here despite the cold wind for the sky looked so inviting. Unprecedented visibility this evening - I can see far into Kent, to the hills beyond the hills of Blackheath and Greenwich - is it the downs I can see? I turn right round to see the whole of the cloudless sky, pinkish misty grey at the horizon and pale blue above - for once it really does resemble an inverted bowl!
On the way back I notice that pond 3 is about fifteen centimetres higher than usual and the water is not moving in the overflow. I phoned the keeper and he was glad to be informed.
19:06 In the train. I didn't stay long - only just enough to climb Parliament Hill (sometimes called Kite Hill) to see the astonishing view today - and to walk back through a wooded valley that is out of the wind.
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