online: 22 july 2003

21 july 2003 no news

21:07 A quiet evening, pink and grey clouds, a train hoots and emergency vehicles wail in the distance. It's getting dark under the oak tree through the pinholes of which the eclipse photographed itself hundreds of times in 2001 ...

All day I've heard news from trouble spots and now I wonder at the lack of news from the fields and the skies and from minds undisturbed...

Two trees grow side by side in the meadow - they've been here for a century and as I sit beneath another I feel the stillness and peace in the world. I see no one else in the meadow - just occasional dock leaves growing among yellow grasses.

Losing sight in the dusk of what I'm writing I look around as if staying here in the darkness - but then I rise and walk towards the hilltop where people are still watching city lights...

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