online: 9 january 2004

9 january 2004 extended humanity

Today I am thinking about the radio, internet, the mobile phone and all of us as the extended people that we are becoming through the use of such electronic media... I am resisting the commercial uses of them and asking myself what can become of an individual person if he or she refuses to fit specialist roles and jobs and becomes instead both a public presence and a part of the community of everyone...

I have explored these questions all my life, in industry, in universities, and now as an unpaid person trying to respond to the modern life outside institutions and the roles they prescribe. A summary of what I have been doing, and the thoughts that have guided me, appears in (my book) the internet and everyone.

[when this was broadcast on radio resonance (on 9 january 2004) I paused here to read a text called the education of everyone - about the imaginary rock foundation selected by chance from pages 444-446 of this book]

The book has been given good reviews (see ) but so far few people have bought it. And now the publishers have decided to offer me the remaining copies and I hope to make them available to people who want them, or else to store them awaiting better times...

My first thought is to make the book available to mail order via the internet*.

*for information please send your contact details:

by email to jcj at

(I imagine the book [ISBN 1-899858-20-2] is still available for the moment from the publishers Batsford Books and via and - but after January 2004 I hope to distribute it myself. )

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