online: 16 january 2005
modified: 10, 16, 17 january 2005

9 january 2005 within the body breathing

1:33 ... to urinate in the synthetic warmth and comfort of the wealthy parts of the machine culture and to feel the natural heat of breath and blood and bowels and birth-place... thinking of our animal bodies as life-and-death, enjoyment, struggle, erotic danger and delight and change of syntax... i envisage our industrial culture losing its rigidity and becoming something other than it historically is or was...

...ceasing to be perceived as abstract economic or instrumental process while angry voices mix with laughter, tears, and nasty smells, inhuman rhythms as these words in the night seek to release another necessary newness that can appear at first as shock and horror even unpaid work or loss of integrity... in this or other such experience and imagination is the reality of the moment undoing or reinforcing what is alive in the unrecognisable appearances of our future selves and compost.

and now for the morning

19:38 i slept until after 11:00 to find that i'd lost confidence and continuity of thought... and only now can i see this somewhat strange-to-me writing as relevant writes the caretaker

a chance reading tells him to recognise that we need to accept the strangeness and the unclocklike surges and retreats of new kinds of thought or antiwork and not to disown or despair of what at first may seem negative or taboo or unexpected...

this is it, the new words and rhythms of life outside the gardens and the forced procedures of fascism as it was and which we have to learn to change in ways that are both possible and timely, even beautiful, in the manner of creative shock undone or the post-human continuity of everything...

the right words for this are not yet known to the caretaker and the experience is unfamiliar and not yet bad or good or even neutral - for our morality is being remade as we undergo the consequences of these actions, neglects or postponements of our predecessors...

so now, continuing in the same manner but more consciously, the new people of softopia take on the burden of insolubility as they attempt in their own way to realise the nature of the artificial church* that the caretaker is making ready within the body breathing

*ARCH, the artificial church, confessions in the theatre of absent minds, in notes and plays, Spectacular Diseases, 1998, pages 75 to 89.

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