www . publicwriting . net

website of john chris jones

(formerly: www.softopia.demon.co.uk)

my public writing place

softopia: an invented word meaning utopian software
or a new culture that is softer (and i hope less inhuman)
than is the mechanised society we inherit

what's new?
recent entries in a digital diary (or blog)
written outdoors (or in indoor public places) on a handheld computer...
about whatever is happening at the moment of writing...
there are now several hundred pages...

digital diary archive

the world seen as poetry and colours
thanks to the imaginary rock foundation*
and everything

*and the open secret
of the foundation of the foundation

fictions (17) poetics (11)

a to z
an alphabetical index of 'parts of a culture'
ideas, poetry, fiction, computer art...
anything that could be part of a changed culture to come...
close to 100 items
some re-appear in the 4 surrounding branches

xdm (15)
expanded design methods
so that everyone affected by industrial culture
can take creative part in its design
theories (21)

daffodil newsletter
occasional news and reviews of what's happening in softopia

collective cv
a growing list of 200 or so people without whom the thoughts and activities appearing in this website might never have happened... eureka!

history of this website

the website is preserved by the National Library of Wales in the webarchive of a consortium of research libraries in software intended for long life... (if you click on webarchive you see images of the softopia homepage repeated at intervals of a month or so... to visit the website click on one of those images)

biographical pages

books by (or about) jcj

websites i like
after ten years some of these links have ceased to operate... and my preferences may have changed... but i am leaving the selection as it was... as it could be of historical interest... and because most of the websites still inspire me!...


from: jcj AT publicwriting.net (please replace 'AT' and spaces by @ )

co-design by kay moon, jm and kass schmitt

version 4.0, 16 september 2010
version 4.1, updated september 2012