online: 5 november 2006
modified: 2, 5, 14 november 2006

1 november 2006

the electric book, part 2

the weblog of the caretaker

episode 3 in an abstract world

as he awaits the second earth the caretaker dreams that he is writing but that he is not the author of these thoughts: seems that i have arrived into emptiness... the earth as we knew it has grown dim... the things that brought us to this 21st century (nature as our ancestors knew it, and as they changed it) are fading in our memories and our thoughts... as the world we knew grows indistinct and silent we experience dreamless sleep in which pure reason and abstract words replace concrete imagery - it's as if the past is ceasing to exist and as if the structure of our perceptions is changing also...

...nothing is yet clear but the uncertainty is not frightening... we have been prepared for this change by what was new in the arts, the sciences and the philosophies of recent centuries as well as by the discarded truths of the ancient myths and religions - before each was misused as means to worldly power and exploitation... these abstract thoughts and changes enter our minds we experience emptiness without fear... and a loss of all urgency... in the absence of organised life as we knew it we anticipate a shared liveliness and an existence without sadness or excess...

...but for the moment we exist only in these words as we prepare and are prepared to explore life as it never was but as it can be if we make it so... with a rediscovered confidence and in a collective reality that is as new and is as fine as it is vulnerable and dangerous...

...and now, still experiencing these unexpected thoughts, i continue to write this weblog in a world that seems as intellectually full as it is physically empty... a world of pure potentiality in infinite hope and educated judgement (whatever those discredited words may mean in these new circumstances)... for this could be the re-education of everyone...

to episode 2
to episode 4

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