online: 26 february 2005

26 february 2005 what follows:

insoftopia 1

[awaiting the words... !]

28 february 2005:
now that softopia has become so big, both conceptually and digitally, there may be people (real or imaginary) who would like travel throughout this website as a world in itself, supposing it to be real, in the old sense, or virtual, or even virtuous, even dangerous or informative or entertaining, life-enhancing or any other adjectives that may apply to the new...

insoftopia 1 is the first of these journeys, departing here and now into the partly known and partly to be imagined or invented on the way. Who's coming? The first link is to 'y', a chance-selected letter of the alphabet, and from thence to the linkwords in or after y in the homepage 2.2: the yielding self

(these pages are designed to be read with the window set to two-thirds of the screen width)

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